New Papers!

New Papers!

Our new paper, which performs a comparison of all current (at the time of writing) methods for excitation force estimation in wave energy devices Pena-Sanchez, Y.,Windt, C., Davidson, J. and Ringwood, J.V.  A Critical Comparison of Excitation Force Estimators for Wave Energy Devices has been published (early access) in IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology. DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2939092. Draw your own conclusions - any feedback appreciated! Also, two other papers have just been assigned to a formal issue in the IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy: P. B. Garcia-Rosa, J. V. Ringwood, O. B. Fosso and M. Molinas, The Impact of Time–Frequency Estimation Methods on the Performance of Wave Energy Converters Under Passive and Reactive Control, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1784-1792, Oct. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2018.2870966 C. Auger, A. Mérigaud and J. V. Ringwood, Receding-Horizon Pseudo-spectral Control of Wave Energy Converters Using Periodic Basis Functions, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1644-1652, Oct. 2019. doi: 10.1109/TSTE.2018.2868546...
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The COER lab attend EWTEC 2019

The COER lab attend EWTEC 2019

The Coer lab spent the week in Naples at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2019).  Some of the thematic tracks this year included: Wave / tidal resource characterisation. Wave / tidal device development and testing. Wave / tidal hydrodynamic modelling. Grid integration, PTO & control. Station keeping, moorings and foundations. Structural mechanics – materials, fatigue, loadings. Environmental impact and appraisal. Operations, maintenance and decommissioning. Economical, social, legal and political aspects of ocean energy...
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VI Marine Energy Conference Best Poster Award

VI Marine Energy Conference Best Poster Award

VI Marine Energy Conference Best Poster Award                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...
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Prof. Ringwood received French academic distinction

Prof. Ringwood received French academic distinction

John Ringwood new chevalier des Palmes Académiques. Prof. John Ringwood received the award Chevalier des Palmes Académiques from the French Embassy for his outstanding academic career and successful collaborations with several French academic institutions. The Ordre des Palmes académiques (Order of Academic Palms) is a national order of France for distinguished academics and figures in the world of culture and education, originally a decoration founded by Emperor Napoléon to honour eminent members of the University of Paris....
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New review paper on nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling published

New review paper on nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling published

Fresh off the press - a new review paper from COER covering nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling approaches for wave energy devices. We hope this is a comprehensive review (includes 208 references) and should be of value to researchers and practitioners interested in high-fidelity modelling fo wave energy devices. All comments welcome! See it at:
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COER Seminar Series 2017

COER Seminar Series 2017

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2017 Maynooth University Wave Energy Workshop

2017 Maynooth University Wave Energy Workshop

The Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University Ireland hosted its 5th workshop event on Friday 20th January 2017, sponsored by Science Foundation Ireland. The scope of the workshop covered a range of topics across wave energy conversion, with a broad focus on modelling, control and estimation/forecasting. The workshop featured 11 oral presentations from invited experts, from both industry and academia, including the renowned Prof. Johannes Falnes (NTNU). Additionally, 26 posters were presented at the event, providing a catalyst for conversation and networking between the 90+ attendees during the coffee and lunch breaks. The workshop concluded with an open forum discussion, on the topic "Instabilities of WECs: Good news or bad news?", chaired by Alain Clement.   Photographs: Workshop pictures 2017 Maynooth University Wave Energy Workshop ‹ › × × Previous Next Flickr Album Gallery Powered By: Weblizar...
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