VI Marine Energy Conference Best Poster Award
The winner of the VI Marine Energy Conference Best Poster Award has been Markel Peñalba from Mondragon University with “Wave-to-wire modelling: An application-sensitive approach”. The poster presents some results from his recently published PhD thesis. Markel Peñalba got his engineering degree from the Engineering School of Bilbao in 2013, his master's degree in Marine Renewable Energies from the ENSTA Bretagne in 2014 and his PhD degree in Electronic Engineering from the National University of Ireland in 2018. As a researcher in the ocean energy sector, he worked on the evaluation of the interaction of wave energy converters in arrays and layout optimization tools during his internship at TECNALIA. During his PhD, Markel worked in high-fidelity wave-to-wire models, including nonlinear hydrodynamics and realistic power take-off systems. Due to the complexity of such high-fidelity models, the reduction of these models was found to be essential, leading to the results shown in the poster.