

Gastón Vergara-Hermosilla has received a bachelor degree in Mathematics from the University of Valparaiso, Chile in 2016, and a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics from the Catholic University (UC) of Temuco, Chile in 2018. Then, he joined Université de Bordeaux, France to develop a Ph.D. thesis in Applied Mathematics from 2018-2021. From 2021, he has also worked as a visiting professor of the Department of Mathematics and Physics at UC Temuco, Chile.
His research interests include:
Control, analysis and numerics of differential equations: non-linear equations from fluid dynamics and its interaction with rigid bodies, waves and dispersive PDEs.
- Fractional order dynamics.
- Modelling, estimation and forecasting in wave energy systems.

Gastón has joined COER as a PhD student to work on estimation and forecasting in wave energy systems using the moment domain.