

Nicolás Faedo obtained his degree in Automation & Control Engineering in 2015 from National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He worked for a year, holding an undergraduate scholarship, in model identification and optimisation of cold rolling processes, in close partnership with SIDERAR Argentina. During 2016, he worked in control of complex networks, particularly related to synchronization control of coupled chaotic nonlinear oscillators, with specific biomedical applications. Since 2017, Nicolás is undertaking his Ph.D. studies at the Centre for Ocean Energy Research, in nonlinear control of wave energy devices, under Prof. Ringwood supervision.


Nicolás Faedo




Ringwood, John V.; Mérigaud, Alexis; Faedo, Nicolás; Fusco, Francesco

An Analytical and Numerical Sensitivity and Robustness Analysis of Wave Energy Control Systems (Journal Article)

In: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2020.

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Peña-Sanchez, Yerai; Faedo, Nicolás; Penalba, Markel; Giorgi, Giuseppe; Mérigaud, Alexis; García Violini, Demian; Wang, Liguo; Ringwood, John V.

Finite-Order hydrodynamic Approximation by Momment-Matching (FOAMM) toolbox for wave energy applications (Proceedings Article)

In: Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) Naples, Italy, EWTEC 2019.

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Faedo, Nicolás; Scarciotti, Giordano; Astolfi, Alessandro; Ringwood, John V.

Energy-maximising control of wave energy converters using a moment-domain representation (Journal Article)

In: Control Engineering Practice, vol. 81, pp. 85-96, 2018.

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Faedo, Nicolás; Peña-Sanchez, Yerai; Ringwood, John V.

Finite-order hydrodynamic model determination for wave energy applications using moment-matching (Journal Article)

In: Ocean Engineering, vol. 163, pp. 251-263, 2018.

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Peña-Sanchez, Yerai; Faedo, Nicolás; Ringwood, John V.

Hydrodynamic Model Fitting for Wave Energy Applications Using Moment-Matching: A Case Study (Conference)

The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Sapporo, Japan, 2018.

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Faedo, Nicolás; Olaya, Sebástien; Ringwood, John V.

Optimal control, MPC and MPC-like algorithms for wave energy systems: An overview (Journal Article)

In: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, vol. 1, pp. 37-56, 2017.

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